First time buyers and Sod's Law

From the Metro newspaper 23rd April

"FIRST TIME BUYERS: Please move along - you're blocking someone's view"

So this is how it feels to be me! Along with thousands of others no doubt!

I'm still contemplating buying a place of my own but even since Christmas I've noticed the rise in prices. Now I've started thinking what with the expected increase in interest rates next month, maybe I should stick with renting for a while. After all, I've only been waiting two or three years for the housing market to crash already, I'm sure another two or three won't hurt....

The trouble with all of this is that damn Sod's Law. You know what I'm talking about, "Anything that can go wrong, will".

If I don't buy a place, prices will continue to rise, if I do buy a place, the housing market will undoubtedly crash as soon as I move in and put my feet up on my new IKEA coffee table. It's a bit like supermarket queues isn't it. You get in the shortest queue, but just before you reach the till, one of three things happens:

  1. The kid on the till is about 12, and the couple on front of you are having a massive party and have bought litres of booze, for which the kid has to get permission to sell....

  2. The woman in front is old and doddery and either can't count her money or (even worse) hasn't got enough to cover her shopping

  3. The till roll runs out
So, don't hold your breath for my house-warming party...

Working at home - it's not for wimps

Ems cartoon strip -

By Em Smedstad

This cartoon strip is *so* me it's scary.....

People think I'm really lucky to be able to work at home three days a week, and I guess I am....I can work in my pyjamas, I can go for Doctors appointments that only take 45 minutes out of my day rather than having to take the whole morning off, and I can work out in the sunshine if I's all good.

BUT the downsides are - missing out on invitations to go out with friends for lunch or after work cos I'm not in town, starting too early and finishing too late, and my #1 crime of all (and I've really only got myself to blame for this) getting into a bad habit of checking my work emails last thing before bed and first thing in the morning. Yes, even at 3am when I am drunk. Good job I had the foresight not to reply to any of them.

So, next time you think someone is 'really lucky' to be able to work at home, spare a thought - it's not all great!

....just going to check my emails.

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My travels

A friend of mine showed me a great little link, so here it is again!

This is how many countries I've visited....(22 - which is more than I thought, but only 9% of the total...still got some travelling to do!)

create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands

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